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Supports Intensity Scale: The Latest in Research, Policy, and Practice!

Recording Date:N/A
Webinar Speakers:
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Date: June 17, 2020
Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST

Supports Intensity Scale: The Latest in Research, Policy, and Practice!


Jim Thompson, PhD, The University of Kansas
Karrie Shogren, PhD, The University of Kansas
Colleen Kidney, PhD, Human Service Research Institute
Melinda Snodgrass, PhD, Illinois State University
Virginia Walker, PhD, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Megan Carpenter, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Megan Villwock, PhD, Human Service Research Institute

In this webinar, findings from a series of research studies that show how the SIS-A and SIS-C are operating with people with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder will be presented. Additionally, recommendations for increasing educator competencies in planning and monitoring individualized supports for students with ID in general education classrooms will be presented based on a project involving schools from three states. Finally, best practices in collecting and maintaining service recipient data to optimize the usefulness and effectiveness of data for policy decisions and understanding systems will be shared.

This is an AAIDD webinar. 



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